Are you a Girl of Color in grades 3-12 and interested in learning more about yourself, others, and your environments? If so, please join Girls STEM Institute for a 4-week learning experience at IUPUI. During summer 2023, scholars will focus on aviation, robotics, the mathematics of financial wellness, and the science of wellness. Given our holistic approach to STEM learning, we will continue to integrate workshops focused on social-emotional learning and identity, entrepreneurship, financial literacy, career and college readiness, digital media, and physical fitness. GSI summer institute at IUPUI is open to all individuals regardless of race or gender.
When: June 5th – June 30 (Monday-Friday 9:00-4:00 pm) NO PROGRAMMING ON JUNE 19th in OBSERVANCE OF JU5NETEENTH. Our community showcase will be on July 1st.
Where: IUPUI’s School of Education
Total Cost: Sliding scale ranging from $100 to $160 total for four weeks (the actual summer program value is $1200 per scholar). We will share the payment link in our welcome email to accepted scholars. Scholarships and multi-scholar discounts are available!!
Sign up for our waitlist here – http://bit.ly/3MK5tdu
Applications are open until April 15th or until spaces fill.
Please Contact Ms. Renee Barlow at mrbarlow@iupui.edu with any questions.